Monday, January 11, 2010

Playing together!

Around 3 months back, 2 of you started to play together. I mean both of you started to play with each other. When your baby's time, 2 of you not look at each other even 1 second! Now, you 2 always play with each other, and for sure always fight for a toy too!!!!

This video taken on 14th Oct 2009. 2 of you like to follow what the other doing!

21st Nov 2009, this video taken when mommy saw 2 of you were 'talking' to each other! This really make mommy laugh! I think only you 2 understand what the other talking about! :D

21st Nov 2009, playing in wai po's room. If not mistaken, is Aiden you keep wanted to hold Eden's hand!

14th Dec 2009, playing the Mega Bloks together!

7th Jan 2010, 2 naked boys playing tickle! You 2 like to tickle each other when naked! Especially Eden! :)


  1. Oh... so cute!!! Being twins make them doubly cute!!! Can't wait to see them celebrating CNY together :-)

  2. but when c they notty like fight for a toy... u'll pengsan la...
